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Jumpin' Jesus - The Art Of Crucifying - Patch

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 20:35


Not for sale or trade
Jumpin' Jesus - The Art Of Crucifying - Patch

David Bartels's picture

Nice patch!

Allux101's picture

Thank You!

EvilJay's picture

Yep, gotta have that one, it represents one of the most authentic metal albums there is, made by metalheads to the core.

Allux101's picture

True! I Got Mine From PTPP If You Want The Same One.

EvilJay's picture

I have two of them already, one on the vest and one spare. I’m just very happy to see other JJ fans, so I had to comment :)

Allux101's picture

Ye, i discovered this band about 2-3 months ago and it was so good that i had to buy a patch:D

EvilJay's picture

I consider „Cloning The Future“ to be one of the best metal songs ever written, hard to describe the feeling I get when listening to it, but it’s very unique.

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