TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Collectors Group : Coffin Shaped Patches

This group accepts: 
  • Patch
Created: 10 August 2020
Linked Posts: 1066

Collectors group: Coffin Shaped Patches

"Hammered into Dust, Sealed in diseased coffins" All coffin shapes, including in big patch selling posts welcome.

In this group...

  • Patch - bathory coffin patch for trade
Bubba Black's picture

Midnight coffin patches are still available at Sick Textiles

MungoBumpkin's picture

God, there's so many coffin shaped Nifelheim patches.

Thane's picture

Oh yeah, that's the one that really got me into coffin shapes. Love this layout.

ThomasThrash's picture

Epic idea, I have some to add.

Thane's picture

Nice! Yeah I've seen a few vests that are pretty coffin focused and just got a new denim starting to piece ideas together

ThomasThrash's picture

Ooh sweet man, I’m interested to see what’s coming.