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Pageninetynine WIP Battle jacket

Tue, 15/03/2022 - 04:38

My jacket that I’ve been working on for around 2 years on and off.I’ve added all the stuff on the back in the last year or so. It’s a little wonky but I think it’s cool regardless. I made the pageninetynine, swans, drain gang and john maus patches on this, plus a fair amount on my crust shorts that I’ll probably upload on here eventually. These definitely are still a WIP, gonna add more patches and i hope to cover the back and shoulders with studs eventually

Not for sale or trade
Pageninetynine WIP Battle jacket
Pageninetynine WIP Battle jacket

Madness Of The Architect's picture

Nice work so far, lots of bands here that I'll be using on my next jacket too. Where'd you get the bone awl patch?

thelakeofburningorchids's picture

Thanks for the kind words! I got it from a woman on depop, she makes custom patches/shirts. It’s just a heat transfer onto fabric so it’s not the best quality but better than what I can make on my own

stevenICB's picture


TornApart's picture

Great bands nice layout

unholystrength's picture


eyesontheinside's picture

Draingang sucks otherwise solid

aclarionyall's picture

love the mix of bands/genres here

JTM82701's picture

Where did you get the Swans one?

thelakeofburningorchids's picture

Made it

sawa's picture

love the undying and lil ugly mane patch, and the drain gang patch
probably the best one

thelakeofburningorchids's picture

Thank you! I’ve made some big updates to the jacket these days that I need to post

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