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Frigöra Armor

Occult Blood
Mon, 24/10/2022 - 06:21

I took most of the patches off this one. I can't decide if its worth finishing or to just cannibalize the the studs off it.

Not for sale or trade
Frigöra Armor
Frigöra Armor

Gooseluck's picture

I think it looks sick here, always a fan of just having a bottom rocker, Sakana style

Occult Blood's picture

Sakanas a funny guy, I've never met someone so stoked about being a "cherry boy".

I lurked your profile and saw you're in Arizona. I spent ten years in Phoenix, always loved the scene there even if it was small.

Gooseluck's picture

I’ve lived here in arizona coming up at around 4 years now, for a while the scene was pretty cold, but as of last year, things have been heating up. Yellowcake and Aftermath are my two favorite active bands, I saw The Lousy when they played at the guitarist of Yellowcake, Raul’s, house just a little bit ago. Everybody in our little arizona raw punk community kicks ass, no shitty people or drama, one of the benefits of a small community. Arizona has a super rich crust/grind history, Vomitus, Sea of Deprivation, Carol Ann, Existi, I could list badass arizona bands for hours. I met the bassist of Sea of Deprivation, who now plays in Sorrower, when traumer came out from LA to play the Beast, Chad from contravene led me to him after he noticed my buddies sea of deprivation shirt. We get special treats from touring bands like that pretty often, I missed when WKSJ played with the Erections by a hair, I’ll never forgive myself 🥲 Honestly I can’t stand the heat, or the endless expanse of unwalkable stroads surrounded by hallowed out stripmalls, but such misery creates great art, so it’s a give and take.

Sakana is a super sweet guy, love his vocals in everything, Only wish Scene Death Terror went further, fuck that was an awesome project. He’s got an energy live thats hard for anyone else to match

Occult Blood's picture

Yeah, Arizona has had lots of killer bands. When I was there it was the likes of Warfair?, Stagnation, Rotozzoa, Nightgaun, etc. My favorite that everyone always forgets is Pay Neuter, you can grab their records for next to nothing nowadays.

I remember Asta Kask came through and wanted like a $3,000 guarantee to play a warehouse haha. I think they got 200 bucks and a pizza which I thought was a pretty good deal.

I've seen Zyanose a handful of times but my favorite was a show at Beerland in Austin during the summer. It was like 110 in the venue and the second they finished Sakana ran outside screaming to get some fresh air, cracked me up.

gmotorzet's picture

great work, definitely gotta redo the top panel of the one im working on after checking out shit like this ahaha

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Recent Comments

  • about an hour ago
    Thanks mate!
  • about an hour ago
    Thanks a lot for your comment mate. I hope you'll find one in good condition though.
  • about an hour ago
    First time seeing one without the red outline on the logo… love it!
  • about an hour ago
    Mint! Really like the In Solitude one...well, and the backpatch 😎 cheers
  • about an hour ago
    Hell yes!
  • about an hour ago
    Such a simple design, yet so effective
  • about 2 hours ago
    What is it then, homemade?
  • about 4 hours ago
    Sorry, NOT a knockoff or bootleg.
  • about 6 hours ago
    Back to Back was my first Gravestone. That Cover catched my eyes, love it till this day!
  • about 6 hours ago
    Thrash em all was a super Magazine!
  • about 6 hours ago
    okay thanks. you wouldnt mind sharing the link to a website??? would be nice. thx
  • about 6 hours ago
    Haha, that's a great one. The designer really captured THAT face he made.
  • about 6 hours ago
    You know where I could possibly find one? The one guy selling his on here is inactive
  • about 6 hours ago
    A great US band trying to do a bit more than the usual and this was a great exit for them.
  • about 7 hours ago
    That’s sick especially that it was owned by the man himself.
  • about 7 hours ago
    Haha thanks. They have so many great designs both today and back then