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Slipknot Patches (x4)

Sat, 21/04/2018 - 18:21

Original Slipknot Patches.

1. People=Shit 1st Version, licensed to Bluegrape 1999
2. People=Shit 2nd Version, licensed to Bluegrape 2001
3. Iowa Goat, licensed to Bluegrape 2001
4. Iowa Circle, Slipknot 2003

All in good condition. 1st one is embroided!

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Year: 1999
Slipknot Patches (x4)
Slipknot Patches (x4)
Slipknot Patches (x4)
Slipknot Patches (x4)

Nater90's picture

Hell yeah, some good stuff mate.

Unjustifiablexistence's picture

Yup, the first two are pretty rare too! And I've got another one.. Already on my jacket!

Nater90's picture

True that, I only ever see boots of them.

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