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Blasphème - Patch 1983

Bitch Butcher
Wed, 17/02/2021 - 20:18

And so the french heavy metal collection has begun!

On my collection currently: Vintage H Bomb, Vintage Blasphème, Vintage ADX

Missing:Vintage Demon Eyes, Vintage Sortilège, Vintage Vulcain, Vintage Satan Jokers

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1983
Blasphème - Patch 1983

bad_american1992's picture

Incredible, don't see this gem every day! Great one BB!

Bitch Butcher's picture

Thanks alot!
Wait to see what else is coming up! :D

Gollywock's picture

This isn't the easiest collection but boy is it satisfying. Good luck on your hunt!
(great patch btw, I've always thought it was one of the best looking patches ever)

Bitch Butcher's picture

Thanks alot! Whoever has them never wants to let them go so the chade will be better than the catch!

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