What's your reason for joining tshirtslayer?:
Sussing out patches and other metal artifacts+ephemera+philosophy that define a human story within gestalt metal culture. In time, I should like to begin posting my own collection. Time and providing care to loved ones will be my only determinants.
Do you goto any festivals or shows?:
In my youth, far more out of state attendance. I have consumed a great many Ozzfests, for example.
At this time, far more local attendance. One local bar+venue to support my scene. Fuzz Fest!
But honestly, not too many shows...these interesting, strange days. I attend far more classical concerts than metal/punk shows. Rachmaninov does not always roll through my neck of the woods. Nor does Insect Warfare. Two. Beasts.
Favourite album ?:
Oh my. Of all time? Drop-dead gut response has to be...gimme a bit. See, I want to say: Chöömej - Throat-Singing From The Center Of Asia; however, I will ruminate and select a more traditional metal album ASAP.
How did you find out about TShirtSlayer? :
Lifetime lurker from the dawn of the internet. Not too big into -general accounts- though. So I am a bit late.