What's your reason for joining tshirtslayer?:
found some great patches and merch floating around here.
Do you goto any festivals or shows?:
Used to go to ever single metal and deathcore show the Webster and Palladium had to offer, with the occasional Mayhem fest when I was in High school. Took a good break from it as life was getting in the way and friends moved away, didn't want to go alone. Got back into it with Punk and Folk Punk shows whenever bands I know come close. Always love the vibe of a community coming together for the love of the music, and everything associated. Makes it feel like an extended family and its the most enjoyable aspect, albeit surprising to me at first cause I just wanted to see some awesome bands play live.
Favourite album ?:
"Worry." by Jeff Rosenstock from BTMI
How did you find out about TShirtSlayer? :
Just a lucky find with someone with an Amigo the Devil patch for sale/trade