Update 23.03.14
Heaven and Hell patch ,thanks to Sabbatrinity !
Sabbath bloody sabbath black border
Technical Ecstasy
Vol. 4
Born Again (with copyright) , thanks to YURIAN_MARDAK_ !
MOB Rules Tour with red border
Live Evil blue border
Live Evil BP
MOB Rules BP
Born Again BP , thanks to Judaspriest !
TYR BP , thanks to cambotero !
Update 23.03.14
Heaven and Hell patch ,thanks to Sabbatrinity !
Sabbath bloody sabbath black border
Technical Ecstasy
Vol. 4
Born Again (with copyright) , thanks to YURIAN_MARDAK_ !
MOB Rules Tour with red border
Live Evil blue border
Live Evil BP
MOB Rules BP
Born Again BP
TYR BP , thanks to cambotero !
The small Sabbath skull patch on your leather is probably the greatest piece of fabric I've ever seen. If you ever come to part with that for some reason, lemme' know.
663,431 items in the gallery, 907,359 comments, and 557 items have changed hands in the last month.
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Oldschool on
damnn oldschool..
maxbt on
no words can describe this!
VoVoX on
those vintage sabbath patches are really nice designed
whiteravenmetal on
+1 great collection
Awesome collection!
The only one of these i ever had was the mob rules,
but on mine it said tour 1982 or something like that!
VoVoX on
yes there are some different MOB rules patches
VoVoX on
Now i own a mob rules tour patch, is this the one you meant?
Yeah thats the one! Beautiful!!
VoVoX on
the beast on
awesome patches! really like that fucking great strip!
zufällig auch an Gummi Patches interessiert?
VoVoX on
ne habe meine sammlung auf orginal gewebte beschränkt
very nice BS patch collection!
cambotero on
i wish i had all of them. nice collection!
cambotero on
BTW are u interested in backpatchs aswell? 'cause i've got an TYR back patch up for trade/sale
VoVoX on
yes i am interested in backpatches as well look at my stuff maybe ther is something interesting for you
VoVoX on
i have the megadeth BP you are after too, btw
cambotero on
You got PM dude :)
Demolition_hell... on
Awesome Black Sabbath patches! I have another version of World Tour Patch, I've never seen your version of your patch!
VoVoX on
do you have a picture of it in your profile ?
Demolition_hell... on
http://tshirtslayer.com/battle-jacket/my-new-jacket-0 In the first picture
VoVoX on
thanks i have it now too , cheers!
Breiti on
Brauchst du den Seventh Star Patch noch mit rotem Rand? Ich hab den noch unbenutzt hier rum liegen!
VoVoX on
wäre nicht abgeneigt
und ich hätte da noch einen Gummipatch falls dich sowas auch interessieren sollte:
VoVoX on
sorry habs auf orginale beschränkt
VoVoX on
wäre nicht abgeneigt
ich schau mich mal bei dir um, hast ja einiges zum tauschen
VoVoX on
Update 23.03.14
Heaven and Hell patch ,thanks to Sabbatrinity !
Sabbath bloody sabbath black border
Technical Ecstasy
Vol. 4
Born Again (with copyright) , thanks to YURIAN_MARDAK_ !
MOB Rules Tour with red border
Live Evil blue border
Live Evil BP
MOB Rules BP
Born Again BP
TYR BP , thanks to cambotero !
kissman on
I have the BS Seventh Star with red borders for trade if interested...
VoVoX on
sure! are looking for something except from your wantlist?
kissman on
Looking for Accept "Metal Heart" but I'm open to suggestions, what do you have for trade?
VoVoX on
i will make a picture of stuff i have left
kissman on
Cool! :-)
Executer on
I would say, that you need more Black Sabbath patches^^
VoVoX on
very right :D
Vinnie on
Very very beautiful!!!
frankie530 on
Awesome i have live evil and heaven and hell strip purple border
frankie530 on
Awesome i have live evil and heaven and hell strip purple border
BadM00n on
The small Sabbath skull patch on your leather is probably the greatest piece of fabric I've ever seen. If you ever come to part with that for some reason, lemme' know.