Manilla Road Crystal Logic Patch
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Corrosive on
How brutal is the moterfucking patch!! After hours designing this, couldn't look better as a patch!!!!
Speed or Bleed on
Speed or Bleed on
Lizard on
Never listend to that band but it looks amazing!
Speed or Bleed on
give it a try! its a great record! listening tips: Flaming metal Systems, Feeling Free Again and Necropolis!
And crystal logic. and open the gates.
I fucking love this band lol.
Damn thats good looking!! I definetly want one when these are available.
The_Grotesque on
waahh finally, there it is!!! thanks to max, oriol and nico to make this possible!
cant wait to get my shitload of this here :D
Speed or Bleed on
thanks to you too ;)
Corrosive on
Thanks to you guys :D
pretty nice triangle patch :)
kissman on
A beautiful and awesome patch, I really want one for my new kutte... 5 glorious flames!
Tankard Emptyer on
I assume it will be also available via Shellshock Prod.?
Corrosive on
Should be i guess!
Bombenhagel on
I´m speechless
Speed or Bleed on
MoreGoreLessCore on
Hate MR.. but this is a nice patch.
Heavy Mental Maniac on
I don't get how anyone that likes pure heavy metal can dislike Manilla Road.
MoreGoreLessCore on
I just simply can't stand them. Nothing to understand but a matter of personal taste in music.
Heavy Mental Maniac on
Well, in the end of course it's the personal taste. It's just anyone that listens to heavy metal and has heard Manilla Road I know/have heard of do like them.
Phallucifer on
Geiler Patch, werd denke ich versuchen einen zu ergattern, wenn's so weit ist!
kissman on
Are they sold out? ... on FB (Retaliaton Prods) says that they are already gone... is this real?
Corrosive on
Why not real?
kissman on
I don't doubt it is, but how can i reserve one of this?
Corrosive on
Contac to Speed or Bleed here, or to Shaddarth Culto or Maximillian on facebook! Be fast, mines are completelly sold out and we never expected such overrun!
kertalaaki on
So fucking beautiful!
janbant on
So amazingly awesome!
Heavy Mental Maniac on
The patch looks really awesome. It's good that the one guy drinking water clearly thinking "fuck the ancient town, let me drink" isn't included in the patch.
Speed or Bleed on
haha i had a laugh
lole66 on
Looks amazing, i need it
The_Grotesque on
I have 8 of this left. Contact me via PM.
Speed or Bleed on
crazy.. not even 8 hours gone
The_Grotesque on
Yeah thats crazy!!! :D
The_Grotesque on
4 left!!!
The_Grotesque on
SOLD OUT!!! i have no patches for sale anymore.
Maybe the others have one left! contact them if u want one!
Corrosive on
We are completelly overrun!! Unveliable :D
Speed or Bleed on
Sold out here too! the people they i got one are safed and know who they are. ONCE AGAIN: PLEASE BE PATIENT THE PRODUCTION PROCESS WILL BE CA. 3-4 WEEKS TIL THEY AVAILABLE!
Never thought the request is so high! a bit more then 12 hours for 100 preorders, insane!
Corrosive on
Sold out from you too? Damn we reached a new level hahahahaha How about Max?
whiteravenmetal on
wow!! awesome patch, really need to get one. Cheers to all the people involved, the result is awesome.
Speed or Bleed on
Nice you like it!!
xmegadeth43x on
Holy balls this is awesome! :O Id like one haha
Speed or Bleed on
sorry dude! SOLD OUT! please note all pre orders... crazy shit!
xmegadeth43x on
Well aint that my luck, if their ever done again hit me up!
Speed or Bleed on
i would do it but dont think we do a repress! sorry dude hope you get your hands on one piece soon! good luck!
Stiopa on
Fuck, such a miss...
Zombiegrave on
Davon hätte die Nina auch gerne einen gehabt......klasse gemacht, Jungs
Zombiegrave on
Davon hätte die Nina auch gerne einen gehabt......klasse gemacht, Jungs
Speed or Bleed on
UPDATE and arrived today
Speed or Bleed on
PLEASE NOTE: everyone who gets one from me should be patient til Sunday, had and have a hard week forward with lots of working, Saturday is a Iron Maiden Gig after this highlight i have enough time to work something out! cheers, nico
Morbideath on
thx man, do u need my address again?
the beast on
uuuuuuuuuh fuck,sieht das bombe aus! ei kaaaaant weyt!!! :D
Tankard Emptyer on
But what if I can't be patient? :P
On the other hand I don't need it before the Taunus Metal festival ^^
Speed or Bleed on
mhhh maybe listen the record til your ears start to bleed :D viel spaß auf dem festival!
Tankard Emptyer on
Für blutende Ohren sorgt im schlechtesten Fall der Sound-Mischer. & Danke!
nir1 on
shit this loogs GREAT, would love to have one, if anyone has a spare and is willing to part with it, please contact me! cheers
ThrashMetal1983 on
Damn! Great patch! :D only in my dreams will i ever have it though :(
ConsideredDead11 on
Gimme :.(
MercyfulKing on
Awesome dude. Too bad that you only trade because i really would like to have one.
Speed or Bleed on
First Wave will send tomorrow! everyone who gets one enjoy it! looking forward to see them on your vests!
mercyful king on
damn, i wouldn't even sew i on... just frame it or something :p
Speed or Bleed on
Pure beauty
sg_trasher on
Fuckin nice!
Speed or Bleed on
VoiceOfTheSoul on
Well, I guess it's time for me to tally this up as "Lost in the mail" too. Fuck I hate USPS so much.
you poor thing. i lost a morbid coffin in the mail, so i know that feel man...
VoiceOfTheSoul on
Nah you don't man... I lost this, two morbid coffins and the Left Hand Path circle in the past two months. And now evidently they were rough on an LP that I shipped and it got a tear in the outer sleeve.
Morbideath on
damn, 3 out of 80 were lost, only making it even rarer
I hate how some users here seem to have just got it to trade or sell here, not because they wanted it on their vests.
Speed or Bleed on
thats why at least my 25 pieces i had to gave only 1 piece per person
Fucking ouch man.
Speed or Bleed on
was a decent time but now the first one appeared at ebay another person only buyed it for resell
warmonger on
Klasse, nu kann ich auch einen kriegen (:
für schlappe 50€ oder so -.-
Speed or Bleed on
Schreib den Verkäufer doch an und biete ihm etwas zum Tausch, mehr als nein sagen kann er nicht! Viel Glück
The_Grotesque on
Ich hätte da eventuell auch noch einen zum tausch. Falls du interesse hast meld dich und zeig mir dein tauschkram.
InfernalDetriment on
Excellent patch!
Stiopa on
27,49 euro... not bad.
Ruhrpott Warrior on
Really nice patch for a fuckin' great album.
gizter on
wish i got into this band before this was made.
VoiceOfTheSoul on
I wish mine would have fucking showed up! #CultoScam
gizter on
damn that sucks. what did you loose?
VoiceOfTheSoul on
Whatever two of these originally costed haha
Speed or Bleed on
i heard alot he ripped of people, he didnt be apart in my last project
VoiceOfTheSoul on
He could have played it off as "Lost in the Mail" too but he never even replied to me when I asked about them - then I heard about everyone else's problem and realized what was going on. The sad thing is the fact that everyone conveniently forgot about it.
Speed or Bleed on
not me actually, i can tell you that his girlfriend sold at least (i saw 2) of the manilla roads at ebay, a real shame