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Jacket w/ Urfaust and The Devil's Blood patches & OTOH, TDB, Alkerdeel, Urfaust and CB pins

Thu, 12/04/2012 - 20:17

A simple jacket, with some simple patches. I'll keep it this way, because I dislike jackets full of patches :)
Maybe i'll place two patches on the front bottom... i'll see :)

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2012
Battle Jacket - Jacket w/ Urfaust and The Devil's Blood patches & OTOH, TDB,  Alkerdeel, Urfaust and CB pins

R.J.'s picture

I've been trying to find that Urfaust patch! Did u get it at one of their shows, or is it available somewhere online?

BobM's picture

I know Jim (the drummer) and he informed me when it got online, so I was there in time :) It's complete sold out now...

R.J.'s picture

Dammit, of course it is... Ask him when they're planning to release another patch! Haha.

Love The Devil's Blood back patch as well. That shits probably sold out too. They're coming through here in a couple weeks with Watain and Behemoth. Gonna miss the first half of the show though, so I doubt I'll be able to see them. :(

BobM's picture

I believe they don't have any new patches planned... but they will release a new album (a compilation album) soon, through Ván Records. Maybe Ván has some new merch then aswell... I don't know hehe.

The TDB backpatch is sold out very long time ago yes hehe. It's on ebay so now and then but those prices are just ridiculous... 200 euros is the highest price i've seen i believe.. Luckely I got my hands on it when it came out and it costed me only 15 euros or so haha!

R.J.'s picture

Thanks for the info, I'll keep checking for new merch. And when you decide to ditch that patch, I'll gladly take it off your hands. :)

BobM's picture

Hahaha I don't think i'll ever get rid of these patches... As you can see at my account i'm pretty much of a Urfaust and TDB collector ;)

R.J.'s picture

Just let me dream...

BobM's picture

Ok... You'll be the first to know! :D

BobM's picture

Don't know if you're interested in a "triangle" patch of The Devil's Blood, but you can get it at www.thedevilsblood.com

astr0's picture

I've seen the Urfaust goat patch a couple of times on Ebay this year already. so keep an eye out.

BobM's picture

I know Jim (the drummer) and he informed me when it got online, so I was there in time :) It's complete sold out now...

Hungry_Mosher's picture

pfffff dien backpatch.....
vind de jas niet zo maar vet ding joh probeer al n heele tijd de backpatch te krijgen, en niet voor €9000!! haha

BobM's picture

Ieder zo z'n eigen smaak bij een jack natuurlijk. Ik vind een patchjack waarbij geen enkel stuk jack te zien valt dan weer oerlelijk hehehe.

Die backpatch is moeilijk aan te komen ja... Hij wil nog wel eens op eBay verschijnen, maar dan betaal je er ook flink voor. Misschien dat het via een of ander forum beter te doen is.. :)

H_Entfremdung's picture

Nog iemand die mijn visie 'keep it simple' hanteert! Liever een spartaanse invulling dan een walking billboard naar mijn mening ... Ik heb trouwens dezelfde Urfaust-patch op ongeveer dezelfde plaats gezet :D

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