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Warloghe - The First Possession LP

Sat, 17/02/2024 - 04:17

EAL first press of the debut LP, 222/333 which is a pretty neat number to own. I recall I bought this from Pakana distro, the precursor of Primitive Reaction label in '99.

One corner of the sleeve is a bit bent, otherwise good condition. I think I listened to this less than ten times back when I still had a vinyl player - I dubbed it on tape and listened to that instead, much less of a hassle to a busy young man!

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1999
Warloghe - The First Possession LP
Warloghe - The First Possession LP
Warloghe - The First Possession LP

Envenometal's picture

Great album and beautiful LP.
I am also happy to own a copy of it.

Velkaarn's picture

Thanks brother, and fully agree! I recall seeing your Warloghe collection (as FOAD) on the site, very impressive!

I'm still a little reluctant about loading too many albums and such here since it's mainly a shirt site, but I feel like it'd be neat to have all kinds of collectable stuff in one place, so I sneak in some from time to time. :)

Envenometal's picture

Yes, there are a few things uploaded to my old account. I'm a big fan of the band, I went to both concerts in Germany and met the members in person.

Well, I think it is also explicitly desired here that pictures of sound carriers are uploaded, which many members here also like to see. So don't hold back.

619,327 items in the gallery, 896,827 comments, and 456 items have changed hands in the last month.

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