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1996 Burzum "Dunkelheit" VHS + Anti-euronymus Flyers

Wed, 18/09/2024 - 21:04

VHS realesed by Misantrophy records in 96'. Friend of mine gifted it to me (thank you!) since im collecting Burz shit.

I Bought flyers with Xvar Akaal's correspondency. He sent it to the member of polish Death Metal band in 1994. I had 10 but gave away the rest to other friends :).

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1996
1996 Burzum "Dunkelheit" VHS + Anti-euronymus Flyers
1996 Burzum "Dunkelheit" VHS + Anti-euronymus Flyers
1996 Burzum "Dunkelheit" VHS + Anti-euronymus Flyers
1996 Burzum "Dunkelheit" VHS + Anti-euronymus Flyers

Thiellus's picture

Nice piece of Burzum history

Burningwitch's picture

Thanks! Good to hear that im not the only one who appreciate it!

Thiellus's picture

Oh, certainly not. There's a few of us on this site obsessed with old Burzum things.

skyyblu's picture

Got lucky and found the VHS at a flea market some time ago for just 5€! Perfect condition too!
VHS rule big time!!!

schönheit-der-natur's picture

And i have one of these Flyers, thanks to you. Hails to my Brothers from Poland. 𖦏 ꑭ

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