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Massacra Wanted $150 Bounty

David Bartels
Fri, 26/07/2024 - 05:23

Pls message me if you own this patch!!!!!!!

I will trade NUMEROUS items or pay EXTREMELY handsomely!!!!!!!

Will pay $150

Picture from user KleptoSkuld


Year: 2012
Massacra Wanted $150 Bounty
Massacra Wanted $150 Bounty

MortalCoil138's picture

Lmao good luck dude

David Bartels's picture


Envenometal's picture

So much money for this patch? I don't know if it's really worth it, but you have to know that for yourself.
I wouldn't pay that much even for the rarest vintage patch.
If I remember correctly, you can thank PTPP that the maker of this patch is no longer releasing anything.

MortalCoil138's picture

Yeah Pull the Penis Patches is responsible for shutting down a lot of smaller distros. Most likely to compensate for something.

David Bartels's picture

I want my jacket to be perfect to me, and this is my favorite massacra patch. I know the amount of money seems ridiculous for a patch, but honestly I am quite desperate after years of searching with no luck. This is the most amount of money I'm comfortably willing to pay to finally end my quest and finish my jacket. Might reduce the amount if the initial upload doesn't work and I just have to wait until another upload of it though!

Envenometal's picture

I understand your request.
I hope you can get it for a smaller, better price.
If I find the patch, you will get it for exactly the price I would have paid.

David Bartels's picture

Thankyou, that means alot to me!

George thrash's picture

Good luck 👍

David Bartels's picture


YungThermonuclearWarrior's picture

Sorry Cowboy mine is probably too used for you also it’s going in the casket with me 🗿

David Bartels's picture

Use it well dawg 🗿

YungThermonuclearWarrior's picture

I’ll let you know if I see one doe

David Bartels's picture

Thankyou, much appreciated!

bad_american1992's picture

Get him to the Greek (bootlegs)

A real rare one... good luck man I'll keep an eye out

David Bartels's picture

Thanks man! Really appreciate any help I can get.

George thrash's picture

Very similar one From bloodstone patches

David Bartels's picture

I've seen, but this specific version still calls to me. Thanks anyways though!

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Recent Comments

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