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W.A.S.P. The Last Command patch

Sat, 25/02/2023 - 18:18
Not for sale or trade
W.A.S.P. The Last Command patch

ShowNoMercy's picture

How big is it?

Arkham_R34's picture

4 1/2" by 4 1/2"

ShowNoMercy's picture

Aw sweet thanks. Would you happen to know of its available on different color borders? Yours the only one I see on here.

Arkham_R34's picture

I've seen one with a black border but that's it other than red.

ShowNoMercy's picture

Alright thanks man.

empryeanentrails's picture

Do you know what year it's from? Vintage?

Arkham_R34's picture

I'm pretty sure it's a somewhat recent fan made thing. I wanna say 2021.

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