Eya guys,
Just felt like sharing my top 3 frustrations at metal gigs. Dunno if any of you recognizes any of these or that maybe I’m just a poor old whineyface lol.
1. Smelly people. Especially in crowded venues. I once left a gig because at some point, I was about to vomit and couldn’t stand it any longer. Make sure to take a shower at least once a week before showing up in public places.
2. Bringing beer in the pit. Because wtf? Seriously, why?
3. (Much) taller people moving in front of me. Again. Wtf?
Lemme know what yours are!
Dan on
1) Throwing beer around.
2) Everyone screaming SLAYERRRR....at a random gig.
3) People filming with their goddamn fucking cellphone..go home and watch the gig on a DVD or youtube you goddamn cunt. (Frustration since my view is blocked by those retards).
doctordeath on
2) Everyone screaming SLAYERRRR....at a random gig.
actually thats kinda hilarious, i dig it :) even better at a non-metal show!!!!
jazz cabaret at 0230h after too many whiskey sour cocktails...
lemons_irritation7 on
not every gig is recorded, let people keep memories of events they go to. you're prob number 1 on my list of frustrations because i find people like you annoying as hell
doctordeath on
1. goddamn fucking cellphone
2. goddamn fucking cellphone
3. goddamn FUCKING cellphone
goddamn fucking phone addicts
Bonesaw on
totally agree on this one.
bad_american1992 on
1) Non-physical tickets like those stupid Phone tickets some venues sell
2) Ticketbastard "service charges" of like $22 on top of a $40 ticket
3) The weirdos with no social skills who go to the show and are unable to hold conversations if their life depended on it. If we're waiting 45 minutes for the band to set up and standing around mushed together you better think of some funny things to talk
The scene has changed quite a bit, it feels less social based now than it was 10 years ago and more centered on internet activity. But there's still plenty of old and new fans who are make the shows worth going to.
Robin_lifts on
At a Rammstein gig last year, there was a girl who was smaller than me behind me. When I stepped aside (which I think was the proper thing to do) this German woman who was their with her friends felt I got to close to them. But instead of telling me, she grabbed me by the throat 😂 in any other situation, that means a ride to the hospital for someone. But we were at the front row and she was surroindedd by her antisocial idiot friends. So yeah I know what you mean regarding social skills at gigs. I hate these big events. Never again!
Austincantsing on
social skills are dying out along with attention spans :/
frankie530 on
Ticketbastard 🤣🤣 so true
Army of Dragons on
This 100%. Had these happen to me during non-metal shows too. It's always so annoying no matter who you are seeing that night.
Heavy Metal Chemist on
1) Having to watch the gig on a cell phone of the person in front of me!
2) People who, last minute, rudely barge themselves forward without any regard for others! If you want to be at the front row, show up early.
3) Beer throwing.
Matti Frost on
1. Standing room only. I'm a 50 year old diabetic with a bad back and a half-dead foot. Being on my feet for 3-4 hours nonstop means at least oe day of bed rest after. Don't get old, kids. Don't do it.
2. People who mosh outside of the pit. Happened at multiple shows I've been to. Once it even happened in the bar area.
3. On the other extreme, the mosh police. Folks who stand in or near the pit that get mad when a pit breaks out, Do they know where they are?
Antonio on
Since from my first ever gig: n.3. (Much) taller people moving in front of me .....when I'm not seated in the stands...........
Robin_lifts on
I feel you man. I don't understand this either. Why would you do that?
Antonio on
Probably whoever gets in front of me, once the concert has started, doesn't care who's behind; focused on who is playing on stage, he doesn't care who he walks past once the concert has started
Joop on
1) I hate the people who tell you which bands can be together on your battle vest. I mix all genres i like to hear and there are no rules of making a battel vest... last time a guy told me to stop mix thrash and death metal bands. FU man!
2) Last GWAR concert, we were second row and one guy around us farted the whole time. Normally no problem, but it seemed that he was rotting from inside :) If this guy read it here, you own me a beer for surviving this!
3) Sodom concert: A guy starting 2 smoke bombs at Agent orange.. inside the pit. No need to say that breathing was nearly impossible.
Envenometal on
Thrash Metal please with H....
If this is NOT a spelling mistake, I have to agree with the guy not to mix trash with Death Metal.
Joop on
:D sorry. writing on mobile phone always includes mistakes for me. It should have been Thrash
bad_american1992 on
Damn nothings worse than someone ripping ass non stop in the pit! Disgusting.
Also smoke bombs in doors... fuckin A. I would be so mad
Army of Dragons on
How does one even manage to sneak smoke bombs during a show? That's absolutely wild. I'd probably lose my mind if I saw that happen in a pit.
Joop on
It was on 3rd day of Festival and really hot, so i guess the securities at the entrance weren't pretty motivated.
1) People that have zero awareness recording/taking pictures with their phones and blocking your view of the show.
2) Overly aggressive security/bouncers
3) Shitty bartending staff.
4) Fat people attempting to stage dive and/or crowd surf.
5) People in the front row complaining about the crowd pushing and acting too rowdy. You’re at a metal/rock show, what did you expect?
bad_american1992 on
4) we call the "Flying Moses" because the crowd parts like the Red Sea when some fat fuck tries to stage dive.
Pretty sure I'm an inch shorter from some snorlax sized bastard landing on me and telescoping my spinal cord during Nuclear Assault at the Metro in 2016
Pretty much haha!
Damn dude! What a crushing show that was.
Too bad my drunk ass walked out of the venue and missed them and Razor. Should of saved the alcohol for towards the end of the show.
bad_american1992 on
I remember you trying to buy a hot dog from a street vendor using your concert ticket instead of cash hahaha. CDF 2016 was pure savagery.
Army of Dragons on
There's something about the bartending staff that just adds so much during your time at a show. Last concert I went to was around a year or two ago. This one bartender was really nice and friendly to me and it made my night feel so much better. Just people with great personalities can add so much to your day.
100% agree! They can make or break the venue too. Once bad experience with the bartending staff can leave a lasting impression.
nameless_rites on
Low quality merch for sale. I fucking hate Gildan Softstyle shirts.
Robin_lifts on
Haha have to agree with this one! Bio organic slim fit tees, very trendy and fashionable !
nameless_rites on
Music fans need to stage a worldwide Gildan boycott and just refuse to buy any of this fucking crap until the bands/labels are forced to start using better shirts. Those worthless shirts completely took over because they’re the cheapest ones on the market. It must be stopped.
Robin_lifts on
To be honest with you, I don’t think the average metal fan - if there is any - gives a flying f about the quality of a metal shirt. I go to plenty of gigs here and the only ppl I ever see wearing cool merch are 50+ … the OGs. On the other hand I see plenty of people spend €25 or more on horrible band tees and other garbage. And if I were in a band, I’d just have my stuff printed on old single stitch blanks.
nameless_rites on
I’m 39 and barely wear band shirt’s anymore because my old well made ones are dying and most of the new ones are hot fucking garbage. I’m not “too mature” or have grown out of it but I’m not paying $30 for a shirt that cost $3 and is worth -$3 because it looks dumb when I wear it
Robin_lifts on
Well, a problem like that can be solved. Take a look at my profile, there’s plenty of old merch I’m selling because I don’t fit it.
nameless_rites on
I am mostly just done with it all lol, trying to sell my stuff but all these stupid DMs from vintage flipper idiots asking about stitch patterns, copyrights, tags, making dumb ass lowball offers etc just makes me want to set in all on fire and move on
Wytch92 on
Happened to me multiple times, people who push you into the pit, they have no intentions of going in the pit but will push you full weight behind them into it, and then the smug pricks pretend they never did it
Greaserjlg on
1. Venues who dangerously oversell tickets. I've been to shows where it's so cramped that I swear they stuffed the last 100 fans in with WD-40.
2. Jock dickheads who do karate & crowd kill at shows with no hardcore bands on the bill.
3. Drunk morons who immediately spill their beer in the pit so it turns into a slip-and-slide for the rest of the whole show.
4. Creeps who lose all social bearing at a show. I've been groped and ass-grabbed at shows as a bearded 6' 250 lb guy by male and female strangers. I'm not a touchy-feely person so that shit is not cool.
Robin_lifts on
Haha! What if that gal was actually hot though?
You’re the first one to mention the beer in the pit. It always amazes me how people 10 seconds before the main band starts to play walk into the pit zone with a fresh beer. I’m no longer 16 years old and can enjoy a show without the beer shower.
lemons_irritation7 on
karate in the pit ALWAYS 🤸🏻♂️🤸🏾🤸🏼♀️🤸🏻♂️🤸🏼♀️🤸🏾
nuclearthrasher666 on
My No1 problem would be assholes that go to shows with clear intensions to hurt people and cause trouble. Talking about the piece of shit asshole the that throws direct hits at heads, straight punches, elbow you on the ribs or violently push people that happens to be around him. We all now that metal and punk gigs can be violent at times (nothing wrong with that) and accidents can happen, BUT this has nothing to do with this. If you are at a gig just to hurt other people then fuck off.
Other that that I really hate it when you have to wait 45-60 minutes for the band to complete the soundcheck, only to hear a shitty sound that takes 2-3 songs to be fixed !
Darklord on
I hate it when the "Red Sea" parts and some drunk asshole projectile vomits all over.
1. Cellphones out the entire show or set (I take one short video per band usually, but I get up front and I keep the screen down below my person so it isn't in view of everyone)
2. Crowdkilling/karate. God this shit is so obnoxious. I feel so bad every time some chick who is just there to watch the show gets kicked square in the teeth with no warning
3. Stinky People. God its the worst. JUST BATHE FFS
bad_american1992 on
Number 3 hahahaha
I remember being at a punk show and some short drunk guy with a Bi-Hawk staggers past and my friend says "Yo that guy shit himself at the last show". Later that night I'm out front talking to a gal and she goes "What the fuck is that smell" I turn around and see the guy behind me, guess he shit his pants again at that concert x_x
Jesus fuckin Christ 🤣🤣🤣
lemons_irritation7 on
karate in the pit ALWAYS 🤸🏾🤸🏼♀️🤸🏻♂️🤸🏼♀️🤸🏻♂️
AbysmalWind on
Strongly disagreeing with 3). We tall people are well aware of our height, we are reminded of it on a daily basis so what? If by moving in front of you means dancing or moving to the beat, that's just what everyone else does. Kindly ask us to let you move forward or even lift you up (of course this only applies to close friends or your significant other), problem solved.
Robin_lifts on
Doesn’t work that way bro. Say I’m standing third row. It’s crowded. Just not crowded enough to be able to move. And I have a clear view of the show. You move in front of this person. Clear view gone. Is that ok? Sorry but not, it’s not ok.
I’m 5’7” and a bit. If there’s a below 5’7” person or even someone of about the same height standing somewhere, I do NOT move in front of this person if this person is already standing there!!!
AbysmalWind on
It depends, people tend to move a lot during shows, especially the smaller ones. Some do so to grab a beer, others need to empty their bladder... you can't pay attention to everyone who's standing behind you.
Robin_lifts on
You’re kind of missing the point bro. You can’t just move in front of someone else who’s been standing there for a longer time. If someone grabs a beer or takes a piss and leaves his or her spot, of course that’s a whole different story.
AbysmalWind on
I know. Don't worry if we ever meet at a show, I'm kind of a "I stick to the counter" guy nowadays hehehe
Insecurity on
I see alot of cellphone hatred. When I take a vid it’s usually 30 seconds and I place my phone on my chest and don’t hold it up.
I also hate when people smell bad. I went to go see dark Angel in June and this dude in front of me smelled like absolute shit.
1. Overpriced water lmao
2. People who talk when a band is performing a song. Please give the band your attention!
3. Tall people.
2 is a good one, I forgot about that. Drives me fucking insane!! WATCH THE BAND
Army of Dragons on
I will never understand why some venues sell water for such crazy prices. Especially when it comes to outdoor shows during the summer and people and easily pass out from heat exhaustion.
Insecurity on
I almost passed out during prong’s set when they were opening for dark Angel and went straight for water after their set. I don’t like walking out in the middle of performance. The guy said “8 bucks for water dude” I was like “fuck man okay” paid the 8 bucks and drank the water like it was nothing
Army of Dragons on
$8 is absolutely insane for water. Glad you got it, though. Passing out during a show is one of the scariest feelings ever.
no karate in pit on
at the cannibal corpse show i just went to if you were in the front row (i was) they gave out free water
Army of Dragons on
Major W honestly. I'm glad they were looking out for people in the front since the front can get chaotic real fast.
no karate in pit on
i think cannibal bought huge bulk of them for the crowd and even on stage he would occasionally ask who needed water and toss it to him
oldcoffinspirit on
Top frustration in the last years: Seeing that bands I regarded as legends in my youth have become old men. Only a fraction of my heros aged (and have already died or will die) with dignity like for example Lemmy or Dio.
andermatten on
1. no tour shirts at merch
2. people farting in tiny venues
3. big fat hairy sweaty guys (like me) trying to start moshpits in tiny venues
andermatten on
3.1 guys (you can't see) pushing you from behind real hard when in the pit, fucking cunt
Olivia on
1) people who throw hard elbows :/
2) the ones who record the whole show with their phones
3) when the drunk, sweaty and fat decide to take their shirts off and bolt it full speed…
1.-the new ones using the damn cell phone, so that the other new ones can believe that they went to that event
2.-the new ones using the damn cell phone, so that the other new ones can believe that they went to that event
3.-the new ones using the damn cell phone, so that the other new ones can believe that they went to that event
Army of Dragons on
100% agree with your list! Here's mine:
1) Rude people and / or people with no social skills what so ever. People pay good money to see their favourite bands. Don't ruin it for others by being an asshole. Also, how is it so hard for people to fit in and start general small talk with others before the show starts? Everyone who is at a show already has one thing in common. Just start a convo about the band you are seeing and work from there. Like I'm even autistic and it surprises me that I've met and seen so many people at shows that are so closed off and have no idea how to be around other people. Like why even go to a show in the first place if you don't like being around people?
2) Selling water at high prices. I understand selling beer and other drinks at high prices. But water? That is insane. Especially if the venue is an outdoor venue during the summer. People can easily pass out from the heat.
3) When certain venues only accepts credit cards for merch / drinks and doesn't mention on the ticket or venue website that they are cash-less. This can apply outside of shows, too. I don't like bringing my cards to a lot of busy places since I'm scared of losing them and I much prefer bringing cash with me instead. If you are a venue that is cash-less, please state that you are cash-less. The amount of times that I lost out on merch because of this is so bs.
Extra) People who force others to go in the mosh pit or people who bully others for not going into the pit. This can be combined with point 1, but this one seriously makes me so mad because not only have I seen people being rude to others for not going into the pit, but I myself was bullied one time for not going into the pit when I was given the chance. Not everyone wants to go to the mosh pit and that's 100% okay. People enjoy metal shows differently. Plus, I am a small woman. I ain't surviving in the pit. Also, why make fun of someone's else decision? This doesn't effect you at the end of the day. It's so dumb.
Insecurity on
Good one on 3! I fucking hate that too. I went to an anthrax show last year and everything was cashless and to find answers on the venue beforehand was not easy.
Army of Dragons on
For real it's so annoying. And then you get disappointed when you find out that you can't get any merch with all the money that you've saved up. It's one of the most soul-crushing feelings ever.
Robin_lifts on
Haha so you think being unable to have some small talk is a thing in Canada? It’s funny that you mention this, because a Canadian friend of mine who’s been living in my country for more than a decade is bothered by the Dutch who are apparently more closed up than you guys are 😃 Then again of course, you might be just referring to the Metal public. But you’re right, unless you’re not with friends or you just recognize people at the venue, concert going often feels like a super solo thing. I don’t have many Metal friends, so when I go see a band, I’m one of those suckers who’s just on his phone during the break, because I have no one to talk to. Haha! It’s super boring and kinda crazy because everyone shares at least one passion. Just like you said.
I’ve also been thrown in the pit when I didn’t want to. But you know what? It’s best to avoid the direct vicinity of the pit. Even if you’re now thrown in, I find it super stressful to be constantly cautious of “misfire” or whatever you call it. Things can go really wrong when your body is relaxed and someone is catapulted against you. That goes for me and even more so for you as a small woman. Just make sure you’re at least 1 row behind the people at the edge of the pit, and you probably won’t be thrown in again either!
Army of Dragons on
I guess it just depends on which part of Canada you are from since this country is so diverse with its people. I'm specifically from Toronto, and there is a reason why Canadians outside of Toronto hate this city. A lot of people are rude and closed off here. And this is coming from over 20 years of experience living here.
I know not all of Canada is like this. Hell, I've been outside of the city and met many friendly and talkative people in Canada (Not during concerts, but I mean in general). But for some reason, Toronto seems to house a lot of the more quiet and rude types of people. I never understood why.
no karate in pit on
Over priced food the under enthusiastic bums who just sit and look bored it’s a mood killer for me,and the cell phone recorders I’m tempted to start spitballing the phones though
Robin_lifts on
How about showing off karate moves in the pit?
no karate in pit on
those are annoying but not as much as these cause once the karate dude meets the big burly dude in the pit its game over for the kung fu dude
Metalmate on
1. Phones in the air
(really ,watch it at home on youtube where you fellow phony (pun intended) recorded the entire show from a 0,1 " different angle)
2. People nagging about the pit being near them
(it's a metal concert just deal with it or go home and watch what the phonies recorded)
3. People nagging about beer being spilled or thrown in the crowd
(There will be sweat and fluids. Here's where a battle jacket or a shower come in handy. Did it mess up your hair? Did it stain your favourite €50 patch? Please go home enjoy the concert in the vicinity of your own little controlled environment and watch what the phonies recorded)
Robin_lifts on
I honestly don’t understand why anyone would bring a new beer into the pit. Honestly I don’t. You pay good money for it, knowing full well it wil be spilled within a few seconds. What’s the purpose? The actual throwing of beer makes even less sense to me.
And if with “sweet” you mean “sweat”, I’d advise anyone going to a gig to take a shower first, unless this kind of things turns you on of course. And even then, if you wanna do your bare chest touchy touchy sweaty act outside of the pit for some obscure reasons, warn people around you. Thanks!
Heavy Metal Chemist on
Why should I get completely soaked with beer or other sticky fizzy drinks because that person is apparently to spastic to keep it in his/her hands? Funny thing is that these people never turn over their cup over onto the person right in front of them. No, instead those cowards toss it into the crowd 'anonymously'. I've even seen those suckers throw their drinks with the glass knocking someone out in the process...Oh the fun we have....
I understand a metal concert is a bit rebellious, but loosing all manners and decency the moment one steps into a concert hall is just immature, and throwing your shit over others falls into that category for me.
Robin_lifts on
Totally agree with you
lemons_irritation7 on
1) people whining about people filming shows on their phone, let people keep memories.
2) stinky sweaty shirtless men who feel like a slip n slide.
3) push pits. i wanna see violence, NOT gross shirtless dudes bumping shoulders
secret 4th frustration) seeing people with patches or shirts of bands i dislike, if i see u w rings of saturn or lorna shore merch im gonna target you
bad_american1992 on
Hahaha I respect your #4 there, anyone with opposing interests must be smashed and slammed
Army of Dragons on
I've never had a problem with people filming parts of a show. Hell, I'll even admit that I have recorded a bit and taken a few pics at some shows, too. I think the only problem I have with filming is if you record 100% of a show. Shows should be about the experience. Plus, being in the moment will always have more of an impact on you compared to looking back at a recording.
Robin_lifts on
Haha that 4th frustration though! I already get slightly triggered when I see ppl combine old merch with contemporary patches on their battle vest, let alone a battle vest that consists of patches like:
Burzum - Rammstein - Within Temptation - Amon Amarth - Nirvana - AC/DC - Immortal - Metallica - Nightwish
(Seriously, how many records does a band need to sell before you get into them?)
So someone with this VERY, VERY common sort of battle jacket (at least where I live) will prompt me to stand somewhere else, because the alternative is to scratch my eyes out and that’s just a waste of a nice evening and money
oldcoffinspirit on
@Robin: You nailed it! Certain bands cannot be combined if you have developed a certain level of taste/knownledge.
Heavy Metal Chemist on
Concert 'frustration' #4.
People over 25 who are still on battle vest patrol that feel the need of ruining peoples nice concert evening by telling them what is wrong with their jacket. I can't really blame those under 25 for it because their brains are not fully matured, but those older than that really don't have an excuse. Also the 'gatekeepers' who think their musical taste is better (whatever that means) than that of someone else and start to lecture you, are quite lame.
Why care and get frustrated about a what patches/bands are combined on a jacket, and what someone else's musical taste is?
Robin_lifts on
Nah I’m talking 30-40-50 years olds with Burzum + Within Temptation patches. To each his own of course. I just wanna point out that in this digital age, no one has to listen to commercial mainstream exclusively. When I was kid, you were lucky enough to find a Cradle of Filth album, for everything else you had to travel to a bigger city. Nowadays it feels like every demo ever made has become available and everyone forgot about having access to commercial stuff only 😂 so yeah a vest covered with this stuff exclusively brings back memories .. like come on, show some effort, dig a little deeper.
Heavy Metal Chemist on
Exactly mate! To each their own 🤘😁🤘 35, 41, 52, 69 ... Why not having Burzum + Within Temptation patches on your jacket at that age? Why not throwing in a Taylor Swift patch for good measure? I can't really understand why one can get upset, frustrated, or even cringy about that.
lemons_irritation7 on
i just dont like certain bands, if i see a certain bands merch im
more likely to direct my spinkicks in that direction
Heavy Metal Chemist on
Robin_lifts on
I’m not taking the piss out of people who are eclectic - I’m eclectic myself, hell I listen to 80s Italian electronic music and started a thread on different genres of music here - I’m just surprised by the number of mature people who go around in cringy-entry-level-commercial metal band vests, the shit I was into when I was 12, with sooo much music available nowadays. So it’s not just Burzum or Rammstein, or Within Temptation etc these were just examples. I’m talking about looking like a Sony Music catalogue with your vest.
oldcoffinspirit on
"cringy-entry-level-commercial metal band vests" & "looking like a Sony Music catalogue" made my day so far 😂😂😂
Strawberries_Messiah on
I mean at least for me living in the Midwest of the USA bands like nightwhish aren't as popular as they are in Europe like if you're lucky enough to find a CD 9/10 it's a second hand store and will cost at least $8 dollars if not more, also should take into consideration that some of theses people are new to metal or dont have the resources to get patches of bands who arnt as popular i mostly get my patches from concerts and im very lucky my boyfriend also gets some for me but at this time im unable to place. Orders for patches for certain bands I would like not to mention prices overall put what you wanna put but don't be a dick over what other people like
Robin_lifts on
It’s funny that you mention CDs. When I grew up, that was pretty much the only resource for metal music. And CDs were like $40 each, way out of my budget. Downloading a few songs took a day or more when I was around 13/14. Kids (and everyone else) these days can listen to music 24/7 for free or almost for free. I had to either save up or cycle to a record store to listen to a record instore. And now almost every album ever made has become available.. including all the background info and tips for related artists.. it’s all there at your fingertips.
There’s literally no legitimate reason to listen to overproduced mainstream metal exclusively. I say exclusively because I totally understand that there will be some bands in the mainstream circuit that you like. What I don’t understand, however, in this age which would have seemed like paradise to young Metal me in 2001, is that metalheads don’t expand their horizon. I mean so many of these artists don’t even sound like metal ffs, why would you create a battle vest with patches of bands that are only in for the money??
oldcoffinspirit on
No need to tell someone what is wrong with their jacket. It's just an inner feeling that some bands don't combine. I guess most of us have gone through that phase. 30-50 yo with such combinations are strange (or lost?). I guess that you can distinguish weekend-warriors and "life-phase"-metalheads from those you are in "it for life" by means of their vest-design.
But like Robin said "To each his own".
Wyvern on
1) Those with phones up recording the whole time. I fully understand snapping a couple of photos and recording a quick video, but recording the whole time kills the vibe and aids in blocking the view of everyone behind you.
2) That one asshole in the mosh pit that is purposefully trying to kick, punch, or otherwise injure others, and overall just causing a problem.
3) Venues charging extortion prices for water because they know they can since they have a captive audience in a place that most likely prohibits bringing your own water.
ThatBillyGuy on
1. People who tell you what music to like and what music isn’t good, when I saw gojira and mastodon and waiting for the next set I over heard someone talk about how they like going to EDM shows and someone staring telling him about how EDM is shit
2. Limited merch tables, shows need to have more than one March table especially for bigger shows so people don’t have to wait all day to get there merch
3. People who harass and assault other people and ruin other peoples fun, do I even need to explain this?
Eknim on
1. cashless venues, please let me use real money for numerous reasons. coins for beverages are fine assuming i can pay for those with cash aswell
2. people being obnoxious by throwing beers, swinging fists in the pit, picking fights for no reason etc.
3. shit sound, had some shows really tank in experience because the audio technician is suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning or something
Darklord on
I can really understand wanting to use cash but card transactions seem to move the lines faster and for venues and bands it guards against the theft of cash. Thats why I imagine it's preferred.
klenha on
1. phones
2. way too many people
3. tall people
4 (extra) phones
Darklord on
Tall people...LOL
fuck all the phones !
Bigger people in front of me
People farting after digesting a greasy hamburger with sauce
Really drunk people
People pushing
Wanna be's ( He look at me or I know everything about ... bla bla bla )
klenha on
you autistic as fuck i like that
no karate in pit on
hahaha the looked at me are funny cause i dealt with dude who was like that after the cc and mayhem gig he was talking bout how corpse grinder looked at him and was acting all big and cool but then maybe it was a douche move but i then lean over and say ill do you 1 better he signed my vest ....dude was flabberghast
douche move definition
n-count A douche is a method of washing the vagina using a stream of water. You also refer to the object which you use to wash the vagina in this way as a douche.
2 verb To douche means to wash the vagina using a stream of water.
Never douche if you are pregnant.
Hahaha , no fishy smell for me at a concert
no karate in pit on
what in tarnation
lemons_irritation7 on
karate in the pit ALWAYS
no karate in pit on
stand off
no karate in pit on
next thing ya know you will be promoting anti-thra
Turdburger on
Urinals always being out of order and pee everywhere, have metalheads not been potty trained or are they sword fighting? I don’t get it
Expensive tickets and merch and food and no free water.
No fast pass for portal potty
bad_american1992 on
At the last gig I went to they had a trash bag around a urinal and an OUT OF ORDER sign taped above it... I didn't feel like waiting so I ripped a hole in the trash bag and started to drain the vein. I guess a lot of other headbangers caught on to the idea cause by the end of the night this trash bag looked like a big water balloon filled with gallons of piss
Turdburger on
Oh god lmao
I feel sorry for the janitor after that show, they don’t get paid enough!
no karate in pit on
poor joe dirt
lemons_irritation7 on
karate in the pit always
no karate in pit on
curse you spinkickers
lemons_irritation7 on
ppl r finally realising how boring constant push pits and circle pits are. sometimes u gotta throw hands
no karate in pit on
just depends on the show i mean hardcore and some death and thrash sure mainstream bands and less crossover thrash yes more heavy thrash and heavy death metal no
also keep in mind i made this username when i was young and dumb
lemons_irritation7 on
no for heavy death metal? have you heard dying fetus or any slam? perfect riffs to beat on ppl to
no karate in pit on
i suppose actually now that you bring it up but i really hate it when i see some one punched in the mouth who wasnt in the pit i guess i really hate crowd killing
lemons_irritation7 on
if theyre on the edge its free game tbh and if its even further back into the crowd maybe its just a normal altercation, crowdkilling only works at some slam shows tho, other than that it’s astonishingly rare outside of hardcore
no karate in pit on
i i can kinda understand brim of pit but if they are two rows back and they get hit it feels a bit frustrating
lemons_irritation7 on
accidents happen, if somebody slams into the edge and forces people back its only bound to happen
no karate in pit on
well i suppose but to be honest i find pits with a mix of both karate and pushing way more entertaining cheers mate and sorry for the late response
Paganinfear on
When are you gonna see this happen 😂
absolutedefiance138 on
1. Crowdsurfers. I'm trying to watch the band, not lift your fat ass above me
2. Pushpits. An unpopular opinion but it can make a concert a pretty negative experience if it makes the whole fucking floor hard to stand up on. Make the movement stay in the pit. I would 1000% rather deal with hardcore dancers (at a non hardcore show) than a floor wide push pit
3. Can't think of much else besides agreeing with the people talking about people recording. At least put it somewhere it doesn't block my damn view. YOU AREN'T EVEN GONNA LOOK AT THAT SHIT LATER ANYWAY
Also sorry to all the people who I happen to stand in front of :( I'm 6'4 and wear boots I'M SORRY
Strawberries_Messiah on
I have quite a few pet peavs when it comes to gigs my main thing is entitled bastards who this there better than everyone when I went and saw ville valo there was some chick up in the front area of the venue where everyone was crowded up there so some other chick rubbed against her shoulder like I stated we are all kinda squished together cuz we wanna be up front and so this lady starts yelling "don't touch me bitch" if you feel you are that entitled in a space like that you should pay extra for balcony or go farther back where there is a ton of empty space ik this my sound rude but as someone who has sensory issues that affect my every day life I am well aware that being crowded is not the best feeling but when you're in a space like that you should mentally prepare to be crowded. Another thing is just flat out rude people I went and saw Amon amarth last year and there was an individual who was wheelchair bound he had purchased a signed vinyl during the show and it ended up getting lost some lady's daughter found it and decided to try and keep it at the end of the show security was looking around for the album as the man could so he finds the lady and lets her know that that's someone else and she doesn't wanna give it up so her mother starts fuming and was all over the security guard says to him "well are you gonna give us the $100 Dollars to buy one" the poor father was just shaking his head felt bad for him
FarFarNorth on
In my experience, the more mainstream a band, the higher incidence of rudeness/twattery in that band's live audience. Consumer metal = consumer fans. Not deeply invested into the music, just mild curiosity -- so fairweather entitlement attitudes common.
Smaller bands more obscure or more persistent at staying independent tend to have higher quality live audiences. People actually give a damn about the music and came to see them. Looking to make memories, not drama.
I thought I outgrew "fuck posers" teen metalhead mindset decades ago, turns out the world is still full of bullshit like always so some truths are indeed perennial.
FarFarNorth on
1. Smartphone addicts with faces glued to screens. Zero willpower, zero attention span, totally dependent weak minds plugged into the Matrix at all times.
2. Normie couples in audience more concerned with parading themselves than ROCKING OUT and having actual FUN. Whole-ass adults stuck in high school mindset. Drains the vibe if you're stuck in crowd next to those.
More common in Europe than US (my experience). In US, it's yuppie hipsters and their "too cool to enjoy a show" body language act. You'd think they'd grow out of it as decades pass, but emotional immaturity is permanent.
3. Related. Idiots who hog the front rows only to stand stock still and be completely dead when bands start playing. Including headliner. Kills the fucking vibe if they're all around you. And then they whip out their fartphones and brainlessly stare at the stage through the fucking screens, ruining the atmosphere for everyone else. The concept of getting excited, pumped up, rocking out, showing some fucking energy is utterly alien. Why are you at a fucking metal show, again?... Should be legal to stomp these types to the side wall, such behavior would stop overnight.
lemons_irritation7 on
you sound more annoying than all of these combined
FarFarNorth on
ok zoomer.
Robin_lifts on
You're kinda contradicting yourself. I'm not sure which gigs you go to, but if it's not Rammstein or Metallica, I don't think you're gonna see a lot of normies. And if to you a normie is just a calm person who tries to enoy the music, without going crazy, the majority of concert-goers are probably normies. I think people who go to gig to get drunk / get crazy are more stuck in that high school mindset than 'whole-ass' adults. And how do you know these hipsters don't actually have a great time? Just because they don't go crazy, they're not enjoying the show?
I'd choose those hipster people in the US any time over the foul reeking, dirty, beer spilling farmers in my country, that can't tell utter sonical garbage apart from the good stuff, but show up because, well, there's METAL on the menu. You don't need to 'show energy' to enjoy a show bro.
FarFarNorth on
My concert experience in Netherlands aligns w/your observations. My vent was about mid-size average venue metal shows in US and Poland, as noted. Audiences differ across countries. By far I had the best experience at German shows. Anyway, it's a thread asking for frustrations/vents, so letting it out of my system without analyzing.
Robin_lifts on
I understand. I’m not sure what the metal scene in Poland is like, but I can make a guess how it is in Germany, where metal is of course much bigger than in the Netherlands.
I just know that I don’t feel part of the Metal community in the Netherlands, because of the above mentioned reasons. I’m a metalhead because I love a lot of metal bands, not because I like EVERY metal band and EVERY fckng metal show 😂 for beginning metal bands, however, this country is fckng awesome, because there will always be people in the audience who will go wild regardless of how good a band will play 😂 few bands will skip our country during a Europe tour haha
To me, my first time at Saint Vitus, NYC really felt like a whole different world, because I was seeing people my own age who really wanted to see the bands playing that night (Which of course makes sense in a city like NYC with an entertainment overkill) and not just used the gig as an excuse to throw beer or behave like savages. Some will consider them hipsters, but I fckng loved that mature no nonsense “I’m-here-for-the-music” vibe
1. Bad Sound
2. Retarded Security who doesnt undrrstand the joy of moshpits, stage dives, walls of death or other ways of extreme enjoyment.
3. The kind of People who doesnt like the music or the culture, but still go cause its cool
George thrash on
People who do karate in the pit!
lemons_irritation7 on
karate in the pit always
Robin_lifts on
Lol you don't wanna try your karate moves on me, I can tell you that much. You'd go home with a broken nose.
lemons_irritation7 on
you dont even go to shows with real moshing 🥱 keep dreaming lil dude
Robin_lifts on
A while back I saw a dude who got violent for no reason at all, he just decided to hit people. To start actual fights. I think he was on something. In a situation like that, I'd defend myself, like anyone else would.
bad_american1992 on
My big ass Armenian buddy Vic (former Warbringer dummer) laid someone out flat after they nearly KO'd me doing just that. It never ends well for Mr. Crowd Killer
lemons_irritation7 on
sure LOL you wouldnt last a minute at a hc show
Robin_lifts on
I’ve been to hardcore shows, I’ve been in pits, and moshing is all fine. But if someone comes to me just to punch me in the face, I’m gonna punch back and it’s gonna end bad for that person, period. I spend 6 days a week in the gym and I have a background in martial arts. I don’t like fighting tho and I think people can tell it’s no fun to get in trouble this way with me, because no one ever tried
lemons_irritation7 on
i dont rlly gaf, starting fights isnt moshing i guess
dessdessdesss on
The people complaining about beer spillage in the crowd need to tuck their vaginas in.
Dan on
No you need to keep your drink to yourself, no need flinging it into my face.
It's bloody annoying.
Robin_lifts on
I don't understand why anyone would throw with their drinks either. It's stupid. Behaving yourself like a drunk teenager with zero respect for others doesn't make you metal. It just makes you a moron. Watch your fckng drink while you're moving around, it's not that difficult.
absolutedefiance138 on
Those drinks cost way too much to be spilling idk how people aren't careful with that. It hurts my wallet seeing it and I don't even drink!
bad_american1992 on
I will say, watching some guy holding three foamy beers get body checked while trying to make it to the barrier is alway entertaining.