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How to get banned and deleted without warning!!!! read this! dont be an idiot!!

Tue, 28/01/2025 - 11:44


let me repeat ** THIS IS NOT FACEBOOK **

Once more for you idiots who think this is somewhere to be a keyboard social justice warrior


And for the 100th time


being a social justice warrior from your keyboard WILL GET YOU BANNED AND DELETED WITHOUT NOTICE


have a nice day.

slayerslayer's picture

" TSS runs a zero-warning system, there is zero tolerance for idiots here, dont become one! "

doctordeath's picture

Thank YOU !

doctordeath's picture

4 people were just shown the door, we are not fucking around. This is not facebook, grow up

brawl's picture

So do the people shitting on anti-nazi patches and shirts get banned? Or is it only these "social justice warriors"? I am not trying to start an argument or be rude, I am just curious because I saw someone shitting on a Napalm Death "nazi punks fuck off" patch just the other day, but this post only mentioned social justice warriors.

doctordeath's picture

I will repeat "Dont like it dont comment", you know, there are nearly 1 million comments on here, i cant read every fucking comment

bands that attract trolls will also be removed, but i think you know who they are

if you dont like the situation here, please leave tshirtslayer and let the rest of us just enjoy metal.

VoodooChild's picture

I all wish people would see this place for what it is.. somewhere to archive metalmerch. To show all created within and about the genre. In that also fall extreme-right and extreme-left bands. It's just part of the history. Archiving doesn't mean agreeing with it.

I would even argue against the "don't like it don't comment" because we don't have the 1/5 flame system for no reason. Just tell why you dislike in a respectful way and don't make it personal. Just state why you dislike it, leave the 1/5 flame. Just don't start a political discussion about it.
But that seems difficult lately. People seem to like to find negativity in the smalles places just to start a discussion and blame others being racist or whatever. It seems to be impossible to avoid nowadays.

Let me show you 2 shirts I've been called racist about in the last year.

this one:

Reason person gave me? "All Iron Maiden members are white Europeans so do not advocate diversity." Person also claimed Metal as a whole was toxic masculinity.

Shirt 2:

My 2Pac basketball Jersey. Reason this person gave me?: "Both basketball and hip-hop are black culture so I was insensitive for touching their culture and it was a microagression to do cultural appropriation."

PS. Both the people that made this claims were white btw.

But yeah.. I would love for someone to help me. Because I'm racist for wearing merch from a band with white members. I'm also racist when I wear my shirts from African-American rappers...
It's getting hard not to be racist for me.... I need some pointers on what to wear.

doctordeath's picture

Reminds me of the time i got called a left-wing AND right-wing extremist all in the same week! what a week!

VoodooChild's picture

lol, what a week indeed. By the same person? xD?

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