I have a few lasercut patches, such as this ColdWorld one:
For patches with a merrow edge, I use a whip stitch, but I'm not sure if that will work well with these. They're thin and don't have rigid backs, and I'm worried that a whip stitch will pull too much on the edges. Searching around online all I could find was tutorials on how to laser cut a patch or how to use a sewing machine to make a merrow (neither of those are helpful to me). I found one random comment that said to use a zigzag stitch because it doesn't pull straight down/out from the patch edge, but I don't know enough about different stitches to know if that's bullshit or not.
Anybody got some advice for me?
DthOnMnSt on
hey buddy, honestly the best thing i would recommend is a type of running stitch and sew along the edge maybe 1cm or 2 away from it. i sew all my patches with the whip stitch you mentioned & i’ve sewn on patches that i’ve cut out like this and have had the best results. it’s super sturdy.
i would recommend keeping the stitches close on tight to really get it to keep it shape. i went a head and drew up a mock for you. i hope this helps.
CannonballCorpse on
This is extremely helpful! Thank you so much for taking the time to give me a detailed answer. This should be pretty easy because I can definitely do a running stitch.
DthOnMnSt on
absolutely brother, glad to help. feel free to share your results whenever you finish sewing it up
a chicken on
Personally had no problems with whipstitching (Didn't even know that was the name of it til now lol) brand new lasercuts, but a running stitch would definitely keep it in place while avoiding the border, I used a running stitch first then whip stitch on my itty-bitty logo lasercuts so they don't fly off😅 hope all goes smoothly🙏🤘
kingdomofhannover on
Both stitches are ok. I‘d always prefer whip stitching cause if the stitches are small enough the patches are fixed perfect for many years.
Beer.Browser on
I whip stitch mine and haven’t had an issue yet. I cheat and use basting spray to hold the patches on though haha.
EvilJay on
I have been using a backstitch on all of my patches, some with irregular borders. My mom taught me this method and I got good results so far.
Take a double thread and fix it at the starting point. If you're right handed, you can control the placement of the patch with your left hands thumb and index finger. Then, from the backside (important), find the exit point of the needle where you want your first stitch to end. Poke through to the front side and, going backwards, fix it at the starting point. Then, again, from the backside, find the point where you want the second stitch to end. From there, you go into the end of the first stitch, the one you found going from the backside the first time. This is how you continuously do it, find the next exit point from the back and stitch into the last exit point on the front. You go forward while stitching backwards. You can control the step width, so complicated corners can be done more precisely. You also will have a continous double thread at both sides, making the patch really stick to the vest. You also can keep close to the edge of the patch this way while having full placement control. Especially if you also need to "switch the layer" and go inside of pockets. Let me know if this description makes sense. On the picture in the lower right you can see that it's actually a double thread. That used to be one of the starting points.
Don't use machinery, your vest wants your pain and blood! :D
Edit: looks like this is a kind of a backstitch that I've been using, better correct that.
CannonballCorpse on
Those look great, exactly what I'm looking for.
No machines, only blood, sweat, and honor!
EvilJay on
buddyunholy on
I always do herringbone stitch on lasercut patches, looks super neat and it's easy to do
CannonballCorpse on
This is a very nice looking stitch. I've seen it before but had no idea what it was called! What I'm learning from this thread is that I don't need to be so worried about it, which is nice. Really cool patch, by the way.
buddyunholy on
the cool thing is that you don't even have to flip your jacket while doing it, just lay it flat and do it from the face side
WalkerFinn on
So pretty patch how you got it because I want it.
CannonballCorpse on
I got I direct from ColdWorld from the merch section on their Bandcamp!