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Getting scammed by user Better Off Dead

Tue, 04/02/2025 - 02:13

No responding after re recieved my patch any help on this?

Envenometal's picture

He already attracted negative attention under his previous and deleted account, Agent Orange, and not only me.
I think there's something wrong with this person.

MalevolentSilver's picture

So we have a new piece of shit scammer?

Even Death May Die's picture


Better Off Dead's picture

Aren’t you a very well know scalper?

Brendon's picture

Even death your just mad cause hes called you out for scalping and made fun of your glue vest doesnt make him a scammer

Even Death May Die's picture

If I'm a scalper then he is one too. I'm straight up with people if you ask me about a patch of mine I'm gonna give you the price i would sell it at, if you don't like that then move on. I really don't care about him making fun of my vest, taking anything he says seriously would be nuts.

And I didn't call him a scammer I'm agreeing with Envenometal

Stronthor's picture

I remember some lengthy chatlogs from that guy being posted either here or in a facebook group during his... episode that got his previous account banned. Seemed like a real 'charming' fella alright.

bad_american1992's picture

He seems to have reoccuring psychotic episodes online. Such as messaging people pictures of their family members that he downloaded off Facebook and threatening harm, etc. Anyone who's witnessed his past antics around TSS should think twice before trading with him.

Better Off Dead's picture

Never happed. Lies

Better Off Dead's picture

Another hater. Fact is I haven’t scammed anyone

Shatafaker666's picture

Are you already tried to pm him on fb?

MalevolentSilver's picture

He already read my message no use

Better Off Dead's picture

Dude I’ve responded to every message you sent me…

Better Off Dead's picture

Why am I being labeled a scammer? I’ve done over 200+ trades/buys via tss/facebook and I have never once scammed anyone. As you can see in the screenshot I said I was sending on Thursday right after he messaged me. He said it’s been a month but it was a 3 way trade. My friend got his trade. That was a week ago since he received it. One week and I’m a scammer for not mailing it? You’ll get tracking Thursday.Wtf is Amazon prime.

doctordeath's picture

you might even consider helping out TSS for a price of a beer a month

Nerve's picture

Better Off Dead also know by his previous banned account on here Agent Orange666, also known as Ben, is notorious for going completely off the rails once in a while over fabric.

Childish behavior. Harassment. Gatekeeping. Hypocrisy.

If he has a beef with someone he will search their wanted list and be on the hunt for anything listed there, then when he gets it he will rub it in your face as much as he can

He has multiple times gone after peoples friends and families when he does not get what he wants, like photoshopping your mom or girlfriend into something insulting and sending that picture to you, or just straight up messaging them directly and harassing them.

He runs a facebook group dedicated to shitting on peoples jackets, he has been talking for years about all his own ideas but never sewn a single patch, or to afraid to show it

Calls people scalpers for charging 3-4 times original drop price of a patch, yet he does the same, except if you want him to sell it to you then you gotta do it like this:
Hey do you want to sell it for 10?
Hey do you want to sell it for 20?
Hey do you want to sell it for 30?
Hey do you want to sell it for 40?
ok you can have it

He is a giant hypocrite, he went on a total smear campaign against user cza2129 calling him a piece of garbage scalper and telling everyone not to deal with "this scumbag piece of shit!!!!". However, if you go to Better off Dead's trade reviews and look, he have sold to and traded with cza2129 multiple times. Hypocrisy thy name is Ben

Even if he is not a scammer, he is something much worse than that already

Nerve's picture


Better Off Dead's picture

Nice screenshots of me trashing a scalper and me defending my girlfriend. I appreciate that.
Horrible Battles Jackets is the facebook page I have for people to get their vest rosted. There’s rules against bullying and homophobic remarks. Feel free to join.
Funny you think I have time to go after other people want list. Why would I dedicate my time towards others wants.
That’s usually how offers are made. 10,20,30,40 deal. Yeah I have rare and expensive patches that actually go for that price.
I insult peoples family yet you showed a screenshot of me defending my girlfriend. Strange

Odious's picture

Lol you’re trying so hard to throw him under the bus and fit your narrative. Don’t spew shit like this if you don’t know the truth.

Brendon's picture

Say whatever you want about the dude if you dont like him personally but i know him in person and in no way is he a scammer.... this is lame

doctordeath's picture

What's that line from the fat kid in The Simpsons, something like "Nah honest 'guv I was going to mail it!! I swear! please trust me!"

Better Off Dead's picture

I said I was going to mail it this weekend before he made this post but yet he claims I’m scamming him. I’m mailing it tomorrow on my day off.

doctordeath's picture

thats not true, on 27th you said you would send it, which would be the friday 31st.

Should I show you a screenshot of your own conversation?

Problem is that you failed to communicate, in 90% of cases bad communication is what people freak out about

Better Off Dead's picture

Yes but I updated him and said this weekend

Better Off Dead's picture

Just sent his patch with tracking. I even took a video of my packing it up and mailing it and want to send it to MalevolentSilver

Odious's picture

This is crazy. All the lies, accusations, and no context stuff thrown around about Ben is ridiculous. People just love to fuckin hate. Ben is NOT A SCAMMER and as he said, never has, and never will. Dude has a legitimate job, a girlfriend, and is a real dude, he has no time for these fuckin plebs in the “scene” crying and throwing fits over patches, pieces of cloth at the end of the day. If you were to actually ask the dude about shit or get to know him you’d actually know the truth. Stop this BS

All of this over ONE user claiming he never received or was sent? Really Doc? His account literally has 0 bad reviews.

Doomgarlic's picture

Someone who has a job, a girlfriend and is a "real dude" can't be a scammer? Noted! :D

Odious's picture

Lol, very nice bringing something of REAL value to the conversation👏🏼. Smartass.

Better Off Dead's picture

Where’s the proof I scammed anyone

Doomgarlic's picture

Where did I say that you did scam anyone? You two guys need to calm down. I just pointed out a ridiculous argument. Anyone can be a scammer, social status is not a part of that equation.

Better Off Dead's picture

Where’s the scamming?
He has a video of me sending him the patch.
He has tracking.
I now have a scammer note on my profile for nothing.

doctordeath's picture

Please just be quiet, stop persistently messaging the guy and send the damn parcel

Please do not reply to this message

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