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fav back patches

no karate in pit
Fri, 22/11/2024 - 20:56

what are your guys fav back patch designs or the ones that are most nostalgic for you

Agrunge hippie on a quest for heroin flyingfish2's picture

Currently, it has to be this death leprosy coffin patch I'm going to buy after the holidays

no karate in pit's picture

well good luck

Agrunge hippie on a quest for heroin flyingfish2's picture

Thanks, man been planning on upgrading my battle jacket even though I barely wear it

Beer.Browser's picture

Original Death Leprosy or Sodom Agent Orange, I also really enjoy the 200 Stab Wounds Slave to the Scalpel one

no karate in pit's picture

those are all bangers I've been trying to get a hold of a sodom one for awhile

Irondeth1's picture

That Voivod is so damn nice!

no karate in pit's picture

I still wish I had that one

Irondeth1's picture

Same :(

no karate in pit's picture

well perhaps we just have to wait through the persistence of time

Irondeth1's picture

My favourite I don't have yet has definitely got to be this version of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
And for one I do actually have either Orgasmatron, or Out Of The Dark

Lanthir's picture


This one which is also sewn to the back of my leather jacket

no karate in pit's picture

I love the ole pushed work for and justice

IvyCruz's picture

Me too.

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