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10/10 albums

Sun, 08/10/2023 - 15:35

What are some albums you think are 10/10 and you can listen to front to back without disliking a song. Mine are,
Metallica - And Justice For All
Guns N’ Roses - Appetite For Destruction
Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power
Pearl Jam - Ten
Van Halen - 1984
Weird Al - Running With Scissors
Morbid Angel - Alters Of Madness

klenha's picture

Sijjin- Sumerian Promises
Marduk- Panzer Division Marduk
Deeds Of Flesh- Gradually Melted (EP)

(i could list more, like world funeral by marduk, but that album has few bad songs that my music program automatically skips, so im not sure if that counts)

DthOnMnSt's picture

screaming for vengeance-defenders of the faith/judas priest
too fast for love-shout at the devil/motley crue
van halen/van halen
spellbound/tygers of pan tang
fire in the brain/oz
& many many more imo

bad_american1992's picture

Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond
Blind Guardian - Night at the Opera
Orange Goblin - Time Travelling Blues
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son

And a non-metal one for you avant garde types:

Massive Attack - Mezzanine

no karate in pit's picture

bro still gotta thank you for letting me know bout that killer blind guardian album

bad_american1992's picture

Funny cause I don't see it on your list.... hmmmm....

no karate in pit's picture

oh sorry my lord

DthOnMnSt's picture

great choice on that sabbath one pal

andermatten's picture

(I'm probably one of those avant garde types who just can't keep his mouth shut :D)

mezzanine is excellent, but after blue lines, protection (&/w mad professor), tricky, archive etc. imo it doesn't really stand out...how about portishead - dummy?

bad_american1992's picture

Ahaha you're fine! Blue Lines is one of my all time favorites as well, but I find "Lately" to be a boring track that brings it down to a 9.8/10. Mezz is one that I can listen to over and over and over and in any situation, each song is worth diving into and dissecting. I'm pleased that you have an in depth knowledge on the 'Bristol scene', that makes me happy lol. Dummy is fantastic and so is a lot of Tricky's work.

left2die's picture

+1 for Heaven & Hell, such an underrated record

bad_american1992's picture

Having a brand new singer (Dio) and feeling the competition from Iron Maiden and the NWOBHM takeover forced them to crank out a masterpiece.

HandleWithCare's picture

Van Halen self titled is and always will be the best album I have ever listened to. Nothing since has topped it for me.

DthOnMnSt's picture

+ sir carefully handled

no karate in pit's picture

chaos horrific by cannibal corpse
deathcrush by mayhem
gore metal by exhumed
considered dead by gorguts
highway to hell by AC/DC
hidden history of the human race by blood incantation
kill em all by metallica
every maiden album till no prayer for the dying
master of puppets by metallica
killing is my business by megadeth
kill by cannibal corpse
tomb of the mutilated by cannibal corpse
m16 by sodom
release from agony by destruction
overkill by motorhead
too fast for love by motley crue
shout at the devil by motley crue
holy diver by dio
on through the night by def leppard
pyromania by def leppard
severed survival by autopsy
paranoid by black sabbath
black metal by venom
war without end by warbringer
british steel by judas priest
rust in peace by megadeth
peace sells...but whos buying by megadeth
among the living by anthrax
the wall by pink floyd
darkside of the moon by pink floyd
wish you were here by pink floyd
dirt by alice in chains
cowboys from hell by pantera
vulgar display of power by pantera
blizzard of oz by ozzy
diary of a madman by ozzy
bonded by blood by exodus
pleasures of the flesh by exodus
spread the fire by fueled by fire
alison hell by annihilator
cause of death by obituary
leprosy by death
ear piercing thrash by biocancer
korn by korn
nevermind by nirvana
willy and the poor boys by ccr
pronounced leh nerd skin nerd by lynyrd skynyrd
let there be rock by acdc
powerage by acdc
high voltage by acdc
back in black by acdc
led zeppelin iv
are you experienced by jimi hendrix
death crush by mayhem
homicidal Ecstasy by sanguisugabogg
butchered at birth by cannibal corpse
reign in blood by slayer

ThatBillyGuy's picture

Wow that’s i lot! I agree with most of your picks but I think most aren’t perfect and just great albums

no karate in pit's picture

just my personal picks the ones i can spin and be like hell yeah the whole time

Wyvern's picture

I know it's not metal but i'll say 'In the Court of the Crimson King' by King Crimson

a chicken's picture

I don't personally do number ratings for albums, but here's some metal/other albums that are legit flawless imo;

Converge - Jane Doe
Dystopia - The Aftermath
Nasum - Human 2.0
357 Homicide - Homicidal Abusement Through Supreme Exsanguination
The Hirs Collective - Friends, Lovers, Favorites
Slayer - Reign in Blood
Exodus - Bonded by Blood
Iron Maiden - Killers
Mercyful Fate - Melissa
Demolition Hammer - Tortured Existence
Cryptopsy - None so Vile
Party Cannon - Perverse Party Platter
Friendship - Worthless
Korn - Issues
Kanonenfieber - Menschenmühle
Suffocation - Pierced from Within
System of a Down - Steal This Album!
Rotten Sound - Abuse to Suffer
Prophecy of Doom - Acknowledge the Confusion Master
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
Toxik - Think This
Death (Florida) - Human

And some non-metal ones just cause they're also perfect from start to finish;

Sophie - Oil of Every Pearl's Un-insides
Black Dresses - Forever in Your Heart
The Rebel Spell - Last Run
Toxik Ephex - The Adventures of Nobby Porthole
Aus-Rotten - The Rotten Agenda
Death (Michigan) - For the Whole World to See
Clipping - There Existed an Addiction to Blood
Aesop Rock - The Impossible Kid
Björk - Medúlla
Exuma - Exuma

It's tough to leave out albums like Rainbow Rising and Somewhere in Time, but those albums just have one or two tracks that just ain't it. All of the albums above I treat like perfect movies in a way, just taking a couple hours of the night to grab a drink and just admire how awesome they are, I physically can not just listen to one or two songs off them xD

andermatten's picture

wow, a music-connoisseur!!

yeah I know this site is about metal, but I'm burning to post e.g. my beastie boys shirts....I once got critisised for posting a sex pistols shirt FFS!

I love this thread though, and since you've thrown aesop rock in here, I'm going to toss in

company flow - little johnny from the hospitul
madvillain - madvillainy
analog brothers - pimp to eat

and the 'black trilogy':

Isaac Hayes - Black Moses
Lamont Dozier - Black Bach
Kool Keith - Black Elvis

a chicken's picture

I wouldn't call myself that haha, I just listen to a lot of the stuff xD Most of my metalhead friends also rock with hip hop, punk and all sorts of other genres like most people, so the folks complaining probably have bad music taste and a stick up their ass🤷‍♀️

I actually set up a collector's group for hip hop merch because there's so much cool rap memrobillia on the site already, I'd say to be prod of the cool shit you own dude🙏🤘

Yessss Isaac Hayes and Madvillain are amazing 🖤🖤 I'll check out the other albums you mentioned for sure too dude, thanks for sharing🔥🔥🔥

Lusse's picture

Aesop Rock and MF DOOM are such a wordsmiths!
I would recommend Action Bronson - Dr. Lecter album if you guys haven't heard it! I think it goes well with Madvillainy and The Impossible Kid!

a chicken's picture

Gnarly stuff, will check it out man🙏🤘

Eknim's picture

Deathhammer - Onwards to the pits, Phantom Knights & Chained to Hell
First 3 Burzum records
Repulsion - Horrified
Kreator - Endless Pain
Slayer - Show no Mercy
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Asphyx - The Rack
Sadistik Exekution - We are Death Fukk You
Grand Belial's Key - Mocking the Philanthropist
Terrorizer - World Downfall
Mercyful Fate - Melissa
Sarcofago - INRI
Mortuary Drape - All the Witches Dance
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom
Hallows Eve - Tales of Terror

And of course fucking Bolt Thrower - Realm of Chaos!

First ones coming to mind.

Jonathan666's picture

Finally someone mentioning Burzum, especially his 90s stuff!

John Doherty's picture

Many of my choices have already been listed, but I have not seen some clear 10/10 albums:

Queensryche - Operation:Mindcrime
King Diamond - Abigail
Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys Part 1 and Part 2

DeSelby13's picture

All killer no filler:

Opeth - Blackwater Park
Morbid Angel - Covenant
Death - Human
Dissection - Storm of the Light’s Bane
Horrendous - Ecdysis
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Obsequiae - The Palms of Sorrowed Kings
Tribulation - Children of the Night
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
Guns & Roses - Appetite for Destruction

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - LYSLFLATH
Radiohead - OK Computer
Tori Amos - Boys for Pele
Okkervil River - Black Sheep Boy
Gene Clark - No Other

pepsi up your ass's picture

metallica master of puppets
slayer reign in blood
megadeth rust in peace
anthrax aming the living

oldmate's picture


Seek and Patch up's picture

Ride the Lightning - Metallica
Eaten back to life - Cannibal Corpse
Reign in blood - Slayer
Leprosy - Death
Hail the apocalypse - Avatar
Piece of mind - Iron Maiden
Bounded by blood - Exodus

no karate in pit's picture


Lloyd H's picture

My random ten:
Led Zeppelin - 4
Black Sabbath - Vol 4 (Sabbath Bloody Sabbath would be here but 'Who Are You?' scuppers that)
UFO - Strangers In The Night
Van Halen - 1
Motorhead - Ace Of Spades
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Alice In Chains - Dirt
Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness
Napalm Death - Mentally Murdered (It's an EP I know but it's perfect at that length)
Bolt Thrower - Those Once Loyal

No Metallica because as great as 'RTL' and 'MOP' are - two of my favourite albums ever - both are ever so slightly flawed. 'Escape' is a pretty misguided attempt at a 'radio tune' and 'Leper Messiah' is merely OK.

Stone Roses debut and a bunch of other non-metal albums should get a mention too but am concentrating on rock/metal here.

andermatten's picture

yeah, Stone Roses!

Lloyd H's picture

Debut is a total classic isn't it? 'Second Coming' not so much but there are still a few good tunes on it.

no karate in pit's picture

kill em all has not a single bad song

no karate in pit's picture

ace of spades is a pure all killer no filla

Cryptic_Stench's picture

Rage- reflections of a shadow
Toxik - world circus - think this
Cyclone temple - I hate therefore i’am
Crimson glory - self titled and transcendence
Sanctuary- refuge denied

oldmate's picture

Great question ThatBillyGuy - I totally agree with a few you listed !! I have 15 albums that for me are perfect 10/10... so many 9's and even 9.5's but this is my list of 10's

AC/DC - Back in Black
AC/DC - Stiff upper lip
Alestorm - No Grave But the Sea
Anthrax - Among the living
Blood Duster - Straight outta northcote
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding
Guns N’ Roses - Appetite For Destruction
Gutalax - Shit Beast
Megadeth - Peacesells…
Metallica - Master of puppets
Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
Power Trip - nightmare logic
S.O.D. - Speak english or die
Slayer - Reign in Blood
ZZ Top - Eliminator

a chicken's picture

Nightmare Logic is a masterpiece🖤🖤🖤 I feel ashamed for totally forgetting to add it to my own list😅

oldmate's picture

yea its fucking great. I had it in the car a few days ago so it was fresh on my mind. Never gets old

no karate in pit's picture

yes AC/DC every song ever with bon is a banger some more then others

no karate in pit's picture

i have a recomendation if you have never listened to let there be rock by acdc do it

oldmate's picture

hahaah you can not be australian and not have heard that song

Looking into the darkness's picture

If by coincidence time, mood and beer line up perfectly, you won't see me skipping a single song of these bad boys:
- Agent Steel - Skeptics Apocalypse
- Attic - Sanctimonious
- Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
- Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
- Doomsword - Resound the Horn
- Exodus - Bonded By Blood
- In Flames - Clayman
- Kataklysm - In the Arms of Devastation
- King Diamond - The Eye
- Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime
- Wizard - Head of the Deceiver


doctordeath's picture

- Attic - Sanctimonious

That was quite an enjoyable listen! thanks!

Looking into the darkness's picture

Cheers, Doc! \m/

Insecurity's picture

Anthrax - Persistence Of Time
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends and Leave Scars
Vio-Lence - Oppressing The Masses
Crumbsuckers - Life Of Dreams and B.O.M.B.

ThrashMetalTrashFan's picture

Time Travelling Blues should be here, best stoner album ever.

Jonathan666's picture

These are just a few, the first ones which come to my mind:

Bathory - Hammerheart
Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods
Bathory - Blood On Ice
Burzum - Det Som Engang var
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Limbonic Art - Moon In The Scorpio
Limbonic Art - In Abhorrence Dementia
Cradle Of Filth - Principle Of Evil Made Flesh
Cradle Of Filth - Vempire
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
Arcturus - Aspera Hyems Symphonia
Beherit - Drawing Down The Moon
Archgoat - Angelcunt
Archgoat - Heavenly Vulva
Demoncy - Joined In Darkness
Bestial Warfare - Desecrating Goat Assault
Mayhem - Wolf Lair's Abyss
Gorgoroth - Destroyer
Gehenna - First Spell
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Ancient - Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends
Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice Of Steel
Impaled Nazarene - Suomi Finland Perkele
Immolation - Dawn Of Possession
Incantation - Onward To Golgotha
Belphegor - The Last Supper
Belphegor - Lucifer Incestus
Miasma - Changes
Edge Of Sanity - Crimson
Samael - Ceremony Of Opposites
Samael - Passage
Metallica - Ride The Lightning
Metallica - And Justice For All
Metallica - Metallica
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Dream Theater - Images And Words
Nightwish - Oceanborn
Nightwish - Wishmaster
Nightwish - Century Child
Nightwish - Once
Wintersun - Time I
Theatre Of Tragedy - Velvet Darkness They Fear
Theatre Of Tragedy - Aegis
Amorphis - Skyforger

Like I said, these are just the very first I can think of, the list is definitely longer. Because "albums which I can listen with pleasure front-to-back without disliking one song" is one thing, those are very many. Whereas "albums which are really and truly 10/10" - which means they are 100% flawless, which is the equivalent of "total and absolute musical perfection".... well that's another story already....

Turdburger's picture

Glad to see wolfs lair abyss I love that album so much

egoexmachina's picture

The Clash - London Calling
Conan the Barbarian O.S.T.
Red Sonja O.S.T.

cdsandwhiches's picture

I tend to have pretty high standards when it comes to 10/10 albums so this won't be a long list

Mutiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
Tangerine Dream - Force Majeure
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Sarcofago - I.N.R.I.
Sodom - In the Sign of Evil
Burzum- Det Som Engang Var
Abigor - Nachthymnen

Turdburger's picture

Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
Mefisto - Meglomania Puzzle
Darkthrone - F.O.A.D
Obituary - Cause of Death
Death - Leprosy
Mystifier - Goetia/really long album name
Root - Zjeveni
Anti - The Insignificance of Life
Coldworld - Melancholie
Behemoth - Return of The Northern Moon/Demigod
Evilfeast - Elegies of The Stellar Wind
Tormentor - Seventh Day of Doom
Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids
Mortuary Drape - Into The Drape/All The Witches Dance
Summoning - Oath Bound
Morbid - December Moon
Necrodeath - Into The Macabre

Jonathan666's picture

That Evilfeast album is astoundingly good!! \m/

Turdburger's picture

I love singing along to inclination resurgit the guys voice is so epic, and the lyrics are beautiful as well, the atmosphere and everything is perfect 😍.

I think my 2nd fav album is invoking the ancient and a few songs from mysteries from the nocturnal forest.

Wytch92's picture


DooMMetalDenise's picture

From what I can think of right now, including non-metal stuff

Alice In Chains - Jar of Flies
Alice In Chains - Self-titled
Amorphis - Am Universum
Amorphis - Skyforger
Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest
Boris - Flood
Boris - Feedbacker
Demilich - Nespithe
Devin Townsend - Terria
Dorian Electra - Flamboyant
Dorian Electra - My Agenda
Earth - Earth 2
Monolithe - Monolithe
Morbid Angel - Formulas Fatal
Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts I-IV
Septicflesh - Revolution DNA
Septicflesh - Sumerian Daemons
Suffocation - Human Waste
Sunn O))) - Monoliths and Dimensions
Sunn O))) with Scott Walker - Soused
Sunn O))) with Ulver - Terrestrials
Ulver - Silence Teaches You How To Sing
Ulver - Silencing The Singing
Voivod - Phobos

andermatten's picture

wow, fancy seeing boards of canada in here! music has the right to children was absolutely groundbreaking, but I haven't listened to them since geogaddi, so I'll gladly give this an earful

Wytch92's picture

My serious answer would be
Demilich - Nespithe
(these two are demos but still)
Adramelech - Spring of Recovery
Catacomb - In the Maze of Kadath/The Lurker at the Threshold
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh
Immolation - Dawn of Possession
Deicide - Legion
The Kovenant - Animatronic
Bathory self titled.
Probably have more I can add to this, but these are ones that stick out to me straight away

S.C.'s picture

Iron Maiden- Powerslave
Cirith Ungol- Frost and Fire
Voivod- Dimension Hatröss
Metallica- Kill 'Em All
Darkthrone- Under a Funeral Moon
Pungent Stench- Been Caught Buttering
Ceremonium- No Longer Silent
Throneum- Old Death's Lair
Lots of classic death metal
The Misfits- Static Age
The Ramones- Rocket to Russia
Tom Waits- Bone Machine
Warren Zevon- Excitable Boy
Roxy Music- Avalon
Agnes Obel- Aventine

egoexmachina's picture

Roxy Music and Bryan Ferry are really fantastic.

S.C.'s picture

Much agreed Bryan Ferry is such an awesome vocalist

Lord_Khan's picture

Fuck yeah, Cirith and Voivod \m/

Teutates's picture

Totalis Metal by Pokolgep

joecubbie's picture

Off the top of my head…

Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell
Judas Priest - Stained Class
Blue Öyster Cult - Fire of Unknown Origin
Rush - Moving Pictures
Mercyful Fate - Don’t Break the Oath
Slayer - Hell Awaits
Whiplash - Power and Pain
Queensrÿche - The Warning
Riot - Thundersteel
Trouble - Trouble

ThatBillyGuy's picture

Hell yeah! Great picks, love moving pictures and fire of unknown origin!

MorticiA's picture

Emperor: In The Nightside Eclipse.

Megazero's picture

Angus - Track of Doom

Metalmate's picture

When in doubt I can always play one of these and be happy from start to finish.

Cryhavoc - Sweetbriers
Hateplow - The Only Law Is Survival
Manowar - Kings Of Metal
Malevolent Creation - Ten Commandmends / The Will To Kill
Deathroner-Death To All
Mefisto - Meglomania Puzzle
Nihilist- Blood Portraits
Last Days Of Humanity - Putrefaction In Progress
Cranium - Speed Metal Sentence
Lake Of Tears - Forever Autumn
Deicide - Amon Feasting The Beast / Deicide
Baphomet's Blood - Second Strike
Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
Angelsword - Beyond The Pale
Tyrann - Djavulens Musik
Els Focs Negres - Els Focs Negres
Misfits - Famous Monsters
Dying Fetus - Killing On Adrenaline
W.A.S.P, - anything really

Cardboardcity's picture

Only a few for me since perfect doesn't mean an album with no skippable tracks, it means one wherein every element coheres to present something above otherwise great albums.

Accept - Breaker
Blind Guardian - Imaginations From the Other Side
Helvetets Port - From Life... to Death
Moonsorrow - Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa

I'm conflicted on Come Taste the Band by Deep Purple, but it's close to perfect if nothing else!

Lord_Khan's picture

There are tons and tons of 9/10 albums which come very close to perfection, but these are the unreachable top:
Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime
Queensryche - The Warning
Savatage - Gutter Ballet (But with anything from Criss Oliva as honorary 10/10)
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
Skid Row - Slave to the Grind
Guns N' Roses - Appetite for Destruction
W.A.S.P. - The Headless Children
Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys I + II & Live in the UK
Megadeth - Rust In Peace

oldmate's picture

nice list. I agree I got so many 9's but 10's are like hens teeth.

Deadbeats's picture

Dissection - Storm Of The Lights Bane
Bad Religion - Against The Grain
Slayer - South Of Heaven
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Metallica - Master Of Puppets

Type O Goil's picture

Tiamat : Wildhoney
Paradise Lost : One Second
Dissection : Storm of the Light's Bane
Kyuss : Welcome to Sky Valley
The Cure : Pornography

left2die's picture


Darklord's picture

Dio Holy Diver, Priest Screaming for Vengeance, Zeppelin Physical Graffiti

Lusse's picture

Hatesphere - Bloodred Hatred
Strapping yound lad - Alien
Meshuggah - Obzen
Bloodbath - Resurrection Through Carnage
Aborted - Global Flatline
Deathspell Omega - Drought
The Crown - Deathrace King
Amoral – Reptile Ride
Carcass - Heartwork
Deathbound - Doomsday Comfort

FarFarNorth's picture

At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
Manowar - The Triumph of Steel
Manowar - Kings of Metal
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal
Demonaz - March of the Norse
Slayer - Hell Awaits
Sodom - Persecution Mania
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son of the Seventh Son
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond
Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle Earth
Immortal - Battles in the North
Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
Emyn Muil - Turin Turambar Dagnir Glaurunga
Origin - Informis Infinitas Inhumanitas
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig
Burzum - s/t
Bolt Thrower- Those Once Loyal
Overkill - Ironbound
Metallica - Ride the Lightning
Motorhead - Inferno [so balanced]
Einherjer - Dragons of the North
Einherjer - Norwegian Native Art
Menhir - Hildebrandslied
Atlantean Kodex - The White Goddess
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin At Dusk
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane

The Smiths - The Queen is Dead

Teutates's picture

Nice to see Menhir mentioned here :)

FarFarNorth's picture

An absolute treasure in "culture/heritage" metal, such a shame they fizzed out since that album release. Perhaps simply knowing it couldn't be topped.

Pascal1976's picture

This is gonna be a weird list in terms of styles.

Sugarcubes - life’s too good
Death - Human
Toxic - Think This
Reptile - Fame and Fossils
Feist - let it die
Van Halen - Van Halen
Iron Maiden -seventh son of a seventh son
Iron Maiden - Killers
Bjork - Debut
Bjork - Homogenic
The Creatures - Feast
Harvey Danger - King James Version
Queensryche - operation mindcrime
Metallica - Master of puppets
Tori Amos - under the pink
Slayer - Reign in blood
Faith no more - the real thing
Guns N’ Roses - appetite for destruction
Minor threat - complete discography compilation
Oi va voi - Laughter through tears
Dorp - Humans being

TRON's picture

delicious demon

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