sadly my last vest fell apart... it ripped everywhere and she had her final day at cavalera conspiracy :,3 the new one is better now. more organized, the fabric is heavier and all in all it looks good. i made the motörhead backpatch myself! thanks to @steelcrusader who made me the nailbomb and discharge patch for my bday, aswell for the sauron! <3
Das_Gstoich on
Goil! Backpatch kommt fett! Diy is eh härter! Wieviele stunden hast gepinselt?
mydarksubsconscious on
danke dir! ich glaube ich hab insgesamt so 2 tage gebraucht?? halt mit pause zw durch
joecubbie on
Devil’s grip, the iron fist! Full flames!
fauzan big on
a chicken on
One of the best vests I've seen all year, love everything about this🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
mydarksubsconscious on
thank you sooo much!
TheSlayers Slayer on
Love this one \m/, perfect layout 🔥
Nunslayer on
Gefällt mir bisher am besten
mydarksubsconscious on
Thrash Can on
Edles Teil!
mydarksubsconscious on
bonesword62 on
oh this one is hella dope