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Screenprinting patches for my jacket

Mon, 17/06/2024 - 13:28

Why only screenprint shirts when I can print almost anything? I've never seen any of these bands having patches, but since I'm running a screenprinting business I thought why not print a couple of patches for myself? The sleeves has been screenprinted directly on the denim, and I made patches for the rest- just because I couldn't lay flat the front on the pallet because of the sews and pockets. Check the final outcome on my profile.

bad_american1992's picture

That screen printong on demin looks perfect \m/ great work!

oldschoolbogi's picture

Thank you, I`m glad you like it! Printing on denim is so satisfying- I`d be totally up for printing denim jackets for bands as merchandise- but they are always so shy about it :D

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